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July 2024

Vol. 166 | No. 1456

Art of Northern Europe


Essential arts

Cuts, cuts, cuts: this seems to be the endless refrain that attends any discussion of the arts in the United Kingdom. On the one hand many recognise the profound benefits to a civilised society of a vibrant cultural sector; however, the reality is increasingly characterised in certain areas by a woeful lack of investment, a crumbling infrastructure and the loss of skills and expertise. Such issues are often explored in the press and have been aired in the past in the Editorials of this Magazine.

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Exhibition Review

Paris 1874: Inventing Impressionism

Organised to celebrate the 150th anniversary of what became known as the First Impressionist Exhibition, mounted by the Société Anonyme des artistes peintres, sculpteurs, graveurs, etc. on 15th April 1874, this exhibition is eye-opening for the challenge it presents to the received narrative about Impressionism and its effect on art. Divided into eleven thematic sections and including 157 works and archival documents, the show questions the distinction between Impressionist and establishment art as well as the way these should be defined.

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  •  Detail of The Balbi children

    The ‘Balbi’ children identified: a proposal

    By Gregory Martin,Anna Orlando
  • The baptism of the eunuch

    A reverse-glass painting by Gerhard Janssen in the Valtice Palace

    By Zdeňka Míchalová,Zuzana Macurová
  • MA-XRF map overlaid onto Head of a white bull

    ‘The abduction of Europa’ by Paulus Potter: a mythological painting rediscovered

    By Jolijn Schilder,Muirne Lydon,Lizzie Marx,Natalia Macro,Abbie Vandivere
  • Chevet oculus as designed by Viollet-le-Duc, Notre-Dame, Paris

    The oculi of Notre-Dame, Paris

    By Arnaud Ybert,Bruno Phalip,Dylan Nouzeran
  • Gudvangen

    Charles XV’s ‘Norwegian landscape’ in the Museum Gustavianum, Uppsala

    By Eva-Charlotta Mebius
  • St Jerome in his study

    The earliest documented work of Marinus van Reymerswale

    By Manuel Parada López de Corselas,Christine Seidel
  • Portrait of a woman, before conservation in 2014.

    The missing woman: the reunion of a family portrait by Cornelis de Vos

    By Angela Jager,Jørgen Wadum
  • A teacher with his pupils

    A history painting by Willem van der Vliet

    By Tommaso Borgogelli