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All adverts should be supplied in CMYK.

Advertising in The Burlington Magazine is the most effective way of reaching an international audience of art collectors, museum buyers, dealers and scholars.

Subscribers in over fifty countries regard the Burlington as the most reliable publication for new discoveries, attributions and current art world information. The following types of organisation advertise regularly:

  • Galleries and dealers
  • Auction houses
  • Museums and institutions
  • Jobs, courses and education
  • Publishers
  • Restorers and conservators
  • Insurers and shippers
  • Financial services
  • Luxury goods and services


Rates and Deadlines

Booking deadline is 5th of the month prior to publication.

Copy deadline is 10th of the month before publication.

For prices and information please call Sarah Bolwell  – Head of Partnerships on:

+44 (0)20 7388 1228, or email


Design and Production

The Burlington Magazine offers a full design and production service for advertisers.

We also operate a full catalogue design & production service for dealers, fairs and museums to the same standard as the magazine.

Please feel free to contact Chris Hall – Head of Commercial Design and Production to discuss your requirements:

+44 (0)20 7388 1228, or email