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April 1982

Vol. 124 | No. 949

The Burlington Magazine

  • Front Matter

  • Mutual Love and Golden Age: Matisse and 'gli Amori de' Carracci'

    By Thomas Puttfarken

    Agostino Carracci's print Il reciproco Amore has been shown, in an article published recently in this magazine, to have provided the decisive inspiration for Matisse's Bonheur de vivre.  The similarities between the compositions are striking; and the fact that there is very little in Matisse's  preliminary work which seems to prepare his final composition underlines the importance of Carracci's print: it must have come as a sudden revelation, offering a solution to Matisse's problems both in terms of pictorial structure and of content.


  • A Newly Discovered Late Work by Nicolas Poussin: 'The Flight into Egypt'

    By Anthony (A. B.; A. F. B) Blunt

    On 10th August 1665 Bernini was taken by Chantelou to see the collection of a silk-merchant called Serisier who lived opposite the church of Saint-Merri in the rue Saint-Martin.  He owned a number of paintings by Pousin, including two Phocion landscapes (Earls of Derby and Plymouth), the Esther and Ahasuerus (Hermitage), the Holy Family with ten figures (Dublin), and one described as La Vierge en Egypte.

  • London: Indian Paintings at Artemis

  • Rouen: Géricault at the Musée des Beaux-Arts

    By Frances Suzman Jowell
  • Ottawa: Bolognese Drawings in North American Collections, 1500-1800

    By Dwight C. Miller
  • Back Matter

  • Bernini and the Unity of the Visual Arts

    By Jennifer Montagu

    It is one of the clichés of art history that Bernini's chapel designs achieved a new unity of the arts of architecture, sculpture and painting, but in re-examining this statement Professor Lavin has written the most enlightening and stimulating study to issue from Bernini's tercentennial year.

  • The Costume Book. Corpus Rubenianum Ludwig Burchard, Vol. XXIV

    By Julius S. Held
  • Borromini and the Roman Oratory. Style and Society

    By Anthony (A. B.; A. F. B) Blunt
  • Nicolas Poussin. I: Leben, Werk, Exkurse. II: Katalog der Werke

    By Richard Verdi
  • Of Building: Roger North's Writings on Architecture

    By Timothy Connor
  • La Galerie Espagnole de Louis-Philippe au Louvre. 1838-1848

    By Jonathan Brown
  • Imagen Romantica de Espana

    By Raleigh Trevelyan