Vol. 160 / No. 1383
Vol. 160 / No. 1383
As this issue went to press, it seemed that Italy was on the
brink of forming a new government, nearly ten weeks after the general election
of 4th March. It will almost certainly be a coalition between the populist Five
Star Movement and the far right Northern League. As a result, there will be a
new Minister of Cultural Heritage to replace Dario Franceschini, the
centre-left politician who instituted the radical reform of Italy’s museums
that led to the appointment in 2016 of twenty new directors of major institutions,
seven of whom were – controversially in Italy – non-Italians. These directors
took up their posts for terms of four years and so it will soon be possible to
make a fair assessment of the success of the reforms, which have by no means
been unified in their impact.
Franceschini’s campaign to modernise the country’s museum
system has borne evident fruit in efforts to improve the experience of
visitors, ranging from much-improved websites to new ticketing arrangements for
the most popular museums. Less obvious to outsiders have been the changes to
staffing structures and appointment procedures that in 2017 provoked a major
backlash when the Lazio regional administrative tribunal declared that the
appointments made to the directorships of five of the region’s museums,
including the Ducal Palace in Urbino, were void thanks to a 2001 law that
prevented non-Italians from applying for public positions in the country, a law
that Franceschini subsequently persuaded the Council of State to repeal.
The most fundamental reform, however, has not been
controversial – giving museums and galleries control over their own finances.
Previously, all income received by a national museum, whether from entrance
fees or revenue from merchandise, for example, was passed back to the state, which
then redistributed it at the discretion of the ministry. Although this provided
a welcome source of income for small or little-visited museums, it was a major
disincentive for large institutions to attempt to build revenue by improving
their attractiveness to visitors with facilities such as shops and cafés. More
seriously, the system made it virtually impossible for them to raise funds from
outside sources, since benefactors could usually not specify where or how their
donations would be spent.
The introduction of financial autonomy for museums has led
to the appearance in the Italian cultural sector of a familiar support for
museum directors across the world: international Friends organisations. One
such group, based in America, has been set up for the Museo di Capodimonte, Naples,
whose director, Sylvain Bellenger, was among those appointed in 2016. This year
has seen the launch of the Friends of the Bargello, an Anglo-American organisation
created ‘to raise funds to maintain, preserve and publicise the museum and its
collections’.1 With a growing number of committed Founding Patrons, it will be
in a position to open up all levels of membership by the end of this year, when
it will also have initiated a programme of events.
It is hard to think of a great European museum more in need
of help than the Bargello in Florence. Opened in 1865 to display the Medici collections
of medieval and later sculpture and decorative arts, it has always struggled to
promote itself to a wide public despite the fact that it houses an unequalled
collection of Renaissance sculptures, many of international fame. Lovers of the
city and its art collections have often been grateful for its relative neglect,
since even in high summer the museum usually provides a welcome relief from the
crowds thronging the Uffizi and Galleria dell’Accademia. Well maintained by the
city authorities, the building itself is in good order, but neglect has not
served the collections well: there are no recent catalogues of any sort, let
alone online; inadequate staffing makes it difficult for the curators to
provide proper access for visiting scholars; and there is no conservation
studio or staff photographer. The museum also shared the failings of so many museums
in Italy that prompted Franceschini’s reforms, ranging from tired, inadequately
labelled displays to poor, unwelcoming facilities for visitors. A major start
on improving these shortcomings has been made by Paola D’Agostino, appointed
director in 2016, whose responsibilities also extend to Orsanmichele, Casa
Martelli, the Museo Davanzati and the Medici Chapels in S. Lorenzo. She
launched a website for the museum in 2017, undertook improvements to the
labelling, initiated children’s programmes and raised sponsorship for some
well-received exhibitions, such as that on Doccia porcelain last year.2 She has
also ensured that the second-floor collections of decorative arts, so often
closed without notice, are kept open.
D’Agostino now has an international ally in the form of the
Friends of the Bargello. The brainchild of one independent sculpture scholar, Dimitrios
Zikos, the Friends has been seen into being by another, the art advisor
Katherine Zock, president and vice president respectively of its board of
trustees. There is a distinguished council of academic and museum advisors,
including several associates of The Burlington Magazine. The Friends’ immediate
priority is to raise money to photograph and digitise the museum’s collections,
the essential foundation for online and published catalogues. Funding will also
be provided for the catalogue of the Renaissance bronzes that the museum has
initiated, due to be published in 2020. This will be followed by a new catalogue
of the maiolica. The Friends will also support the reinstallation of the
museum’s great collection of ivories with new display cases and up-to-date
climate control. The encouragement of international scholarly collaboration is
a central aim, together with support for additional curatorial posts, external fellowships,
exhibitions, conferences and lectures. On occasions when the Bargello lends to
exhibitions abroad, the Friends hope to organise supporting symposia and other
academic events.
Although the recent election in Italy and consequent removal
of Franceschini as culture minister has aroused fears about the future of his
legacy, it seems unlikely that his key reforms will be reversed. Even the
Northern League included in its manifesto a statement about the importance of
the museum sector that decried its old-fashioned organisation and failure to
embrace the digital future. It is hard to argue seriously with the fact that
the revenue of Italy’s national museums has increased by 53 per cent in the
past four years, buoyed up by a 31 per cent increase in visitor numbers. The
question must be how those revenues will sustain the collections as well as the
visitors. This is a challenge that Paola D’Agostino and the Friends of the
Bargello are amply qualified to meet.
1 www.friendsofthebargello.org.
2 Reviewed by Aileen Dawson, THE BURLINGTON MAGAZINE 159
(2017), pp.748–49.