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We receive generous support from a number of arts institutions, businesses and individuals to continue to publish the magazine without interruption. The magazine has been published monthly through two World Wars and multiple financial crises and your donation can ensure that we continue this legacy of excellence.

As a not-for-profit company with charitable status, your UK donations are eligible for Gift Aid and tax relief is available to US donors.

While we welcome any size donation to the Burlington Magazine, there are several set levels of named contributions.

Benefactors: A contribution of £30,000 or more

Each benefactor is listed on our website and in the magazine on our masthead, and will receive a complimentary subscription of their choice.

Supporters: A contribution of £15,000 or more

Each supporter is listed on our website and in the magazine on our masthead for a period of five years, and will receive a complimentary subscription of their choice.

Contributing Institution: An annual donation of £2,500 or more

Each institution is listed on our website and on our masthead for the duration of the year, and will receive a complimentary subscription.

Patrons: An annual donation of £1,000 or more

Patrons will be listed on our website and receive a complimentary subscription.

To donate please contact us by email, telephone +44 (0)20 7388 1228 or in writing to Andrew Dunn, Managing Director, The Burlington Magazine, 14–16 Duke’s Road, London WC1H 9SZ.